Peoples of the Americas are rising once again, saying no to imperialism, saying no to fascism, saying no to intervention - and saying no to death.
Hugo ChavezWhat is the U.S. government looking for? And the elite governing this country? They're looking for oil.
Hugo ChavezI think developed countries - so-called developed countries - should reflect upon the way of living and the waste of energy.
Hugo ChavezVenezuelan interests are to be defended by Venezuela. The U.S. should defend the interests of the U.S. Where are the U.S. people, where are the intellectuals, who could put limits on their government?
Hugo ChavezWe also exchange oil for software technology. Uruguay is one of the biggest producers of software. We are breaking with the neoliberal model. We do not believe in free trade. We believe in fair trade and exchange, not competition but cooperation. I'm not giving away oil for free. Just using oil, first to benefit our people, to relieve poverty.
Hugo Chavez