I like the idea of getting to dress up, like to do a Barry Lyndon or something about the Napoleonic period, the grand army retreating from Moscow. I understand that there's a craft to acting and a lot of people work hard at it. I just know that music is my first love. I love music, I love film, and I love clothes.
Ian AstburyIt's not about mainstream global domination. I make clothes that I can't find. I made a few pieces and Lupe Fiasco bought a pair of trousers I'd made, and a few other artists picked some up.
Ian AstburyI think hip-hop has more to do with rock and roll. Kanye West is, in many ways, a rock artist.
Ian AstburyKanye West talks about being Axl Rose, being Kurt Cobain, being Jim Morrison. Adam Levine is selling acne ointment to teenagers.
Ian AstburyI had a great conversation with Trent Reznor. Trent said, "I'd have a sixpack, too, if I didn't write my own music!"
Ian Astbury