I can write with absolutely perfect penmanship with my feet. If I broke both my arms, I could still write a girl a love letter using just my toes.
Ian SomerhalderThirty years ago, if you wanted to start a campaign against or for something, you had to print flyers, you had to make a million phone calls. Remember presidential campaigns and stuff? It was a very laborious thing. Now we can literally talk to each other in a nanosecond.
Ian SomerhalderI've sorta learned that I'm so tired of taking myself so seriously. It's so great to show up at work and truly enjoy every word you say.
Ian SomerhalderIt's the coolest thing - showing young, bright, and creative people that compassion and a compassionate life is the richest way to live. When you live that life, you create progress, productivity, and innovation.
Ian Somerhalder