Providing clean, efficient solar/electric generators to industries such as oil companies, spanning from film and event production, construction, disaster relief, agriculture, forestry, and nonprofit organizations. We're literally helping green oil companies, helping them find ways to pollute less while creating jobs. When I look at the breadth of positive impact these technologies can have, I truly get excited. Imagine a generator where ZERO fuel is used!
Ian SomerhalderIf you love someone when you're 20 and you carry that love with you until you're 90, it's not going to be the same dynamic.
Ian SomerhalderThe film business creates a large amount of waste, and I'm not immune to waste in the business.
Ian SomerhalderCommitment is making a choice to follow through or to honor. Engagement and guarantee - we all love guarantees in life. Making a commitment, whether it's for something like climate change or to my family, or even to my fans - what that means to me is, whether on paper or verbally or spiritually, making a promise to guarantee that I will fulfill whatever agreement we have.
Ian Somerhalder