Yearning for Allah and His meeting is like the gentle breeze blowing upon the heart, extinguishing the blaze of the Dunya. Whosoever caused his heart to settle with his Lord shall be in a state, calm and tranquility, and whosoever sent it amongst the people shall be disturbed and excessively perturbed.
Ibn Qayyim Al-JawziyyaA tear that runs down a believer's cheek is more beneficial than a thousand raindrops on the earth
Ibn Qayyim Al-JawziyyaTruly in the heart there is a void that can not be removed except with the company of Allah. And in it there is a sadness that can not be removed except with the happiness of knowing Allah and being true to Him. And in it there is an emptiness that can not be filled except with love for Him and by turning to Him and always remembering Him. And if a person were given all of the world and what is in it, it would not fill this emptiness.
Ibn Qayyim Al-JawziyyaBe sincere in your aim and you will find the support of Allaah surrounding you.
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya