It really really sunk into me when I went to Europe and they take rap so much more serious than we do here. That was the first time I ever heard rap considered folk music. And sometimes somebody will make you understand like, "Hey, what you doin' is serious, don't play it lightly 'cause it's changin' my life."
Ice TRap music came along and saved my life. I started to tell the stories of the streets and that was my way out.
Ice TI always knew that I had to direct. That was something I'd wanted to do. Finally, I was just looking at the situation and I said, "I wanna document hip-hop, as an art form, seeing how a lot of people don't take it seriously."
Ice TI like crime movies where the crime is so incredible that, attractive as it seems, you don't wanna do it because it's just too dangerous.
Ice T