When a sinner has any just sense of his condition, as alienated from a holy God, he will not be apt to think of the unpardonable sin.
Ichabod SpencerDecision is a vastly important thing with a convicted sinner. He must choose, or he must be lost. If he will not do it, he may expect the Divine Spirit to depart from him, and leave him to his own way.
Ichabod SpencerWhoever believes in a God at all, believes in an infinite mystery; and if the existence of God is such an infinite mystery, we can very well expect and afford to have many of His ways mysterious to us.
Ichabod SpencerThere are multitudes in our congregations who are just waiting while they ought to be acting. They must work, if they would have God work in them. There can be no religion without obedience.
Ichabod Spencer