To withdraw from creatures and repose with Jesus in the Tabernacle is my delight; there I can hide myself and seek rest. There I find a life which I cannot describe, a joy which I cannot make others comprehend, a peace such as is found only under the hospitable roof of our best Friend.
Ignatius of LoyolaThe acknowledgment of and gratitude for favors and gifts received is loved and esteemed in Heaven and on earth.
Ignatius of LoyolaFor those who love, nothing is too difficult, especially when it is done for the love of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Ignatius of LoyolaThe enemy is like a woman, weak in face of opposition, but correspondingly strong when not opposed. In a quarrel with a man, it is natural for a woman to lose heart and run away when he faces up to her; on the other hand, if the man begins to be afraid and to give ground, her rage, vindictiveness and fury overflow and know no limit.
Ignatius of Loyola