Gays have become colossal bores. Once interesting and iconoclastic, all they seem to crave nowadays is the State's pension and seal of approval. They ought to go back to the days of the Stonewall Riots, when the police's violations of privacy and private property were the object of their anger and activism.
Ilana MercerThe United States has already passed on as the world's economic leader. Having flouted Thomas Jefferson for too long, America has succumbed to public debt, the 'fore horse for oppression and despotism,' after which 'taxation will follow, and in its train wretchedness and oppression.'
Ilana MercerWhether it is committed by a group operating within or without the law, terrorism is still terrorism.
Ilana MercerThe proposition that economist Ludwig von Mises was a feminist is an apodictic impossibility.
Ilana Mercer