A forest," William said, his expression distant. "Where the ground is dry soil and stone. Where tall trees grow and centuries of autumn carpet their roots. Where the wind smells of game and wildflowers." "Why, that was lovely, Lord Bill. Do you ever write poetry? Something for your blueblood lady?" "No." "She doesn't like poetry?" "Leave it." Hehe. "Oh, so you have a lady. How interes--
Ilona AndrewsYou snore worse. At least I don't turn into a lion in my sleep." "I only did it once." "Once was weird enough, thank you.
Ilona AndrewsIf my luck held, it wouldn't be a handsome Greek demigod looking for the love of his life or at least his love of a couple of hours.
Ilona AndrewsIn a perfect world, Joshua‟s vertically gifted murderer would‟ve had himself a monologue before rampaging, during which he loudly and clearly would‟ve announced his full name, occupation, religious preference, preferably with his god‟s country and time period of origin, his goals, dreams, and aspirations, and the location of his lair. But nobody had ever accused post-Shift Atlanta of being perfect.
Ilona Andrews