I dived for it, caught it three inches above the cement, and found myself face-to-face with the salamander. Ruby-red eyes regarded me with mild curiosity, black lips parted, and a long, spiderweb-thin filament of a tongue slithered from the salamanderโs mouth and kissed the sphereโs glass in the reflection of my nose. Hi, I love you, too.
Ilona AndrewsI dived for it, caught it three inches above the cement, and found myself face-to-face with the salamander. Ruby-red eyes regarded me with mild curiosity, black lips parted, and a long, spiderweb-thin filament of a tongue slithered from the salamanderโs mouth and kissed the sphereโs glass in the reflection of my nose. Hi, I love you, too.
Ilona AndrewsI turned to leave and paused before the gap in the ruined wall. "One last thing, Your Majesty. I'd like a name I can put into my report, something shorter than typing out 'The Leader of the Southern Shapechanger Faction.' What should I call you?" "Lord." I rolled my eyes. He shrugged. "It's short.
Ilona AndrewsIt's a reflex. Hear a bell, get food. See an undead, throw a knife. Same thing, really.
Ilona Andrews