If your religion hasn't made you a better person, then it has failed you as a religion.
Immortal TechniqueUnfortunately, as inspiring as people find Barack Obama, change can be interpreted in so many different ways. I think he might do a great deal of good things for social programs here in America and as well, as much as people want to characterize anybody who's a leader and try and sell that, and market it and characterize them in a good way or a bad way, I think it's very telling about the system that we have when we come to the realization that the war is not going to end.
Immortal TechniquePoverty makes people do reckless things, but [the rich] do worse to protect their [interests]
Immortal TechniqueI would say that everyone that you see who is successful in the mainstream, at the top of Billboard, who has a Top 40 hit... at some point, unless they're a complete fabrication of the industry with no identity of their own and a carbon copy clone of someone else, they in themselves started out being underground.
Immortal Technique