It's not at all hard to reconcile the two things if you organize your time intelligently. Even when my sons were little, I was working.
Indira GandhiEvery democratic system evolves its own conventions. It is not only the water but the banks which make the river.
Indira GandhiWe always said that our struggle was not only against the British as representatives of colonialism, it was against all the evil that existed in India. The evil of the feudal system, the evil of the system based on caste, the evil of economic injustice.
Indira GandhiEven if I died in the service of the nation, I would be proud of it. Every drop of my blood... will contribute to the growth of this nation and to make it strong and dynamic.
Indira GandhiWhat does nonalignment mean? It means we don't belong to any military bloc and that we reserve the right to be friends with any country, independently of the influence of any country. All this has remained unchanged after the signing of the Indo-Soviet treaty, and others can say or think what they like - our policy won't change because of the Soviet Union.
Indira Gandhi