All of a sudden inscriptions appeared on walls. Signs appeared. And that 'no' exploded all over India, in an act of pride that surprised even me. Then even the political parties, all of them, even the deputies in Parliament, said no: it's better to die of hunger than be taken for a nation of beggars.
Indira GandhiMy sons...I was crazy about my sons and I think I've done a super job in bringing them up.
Indira GandhiIf I'm happy, I look happy; if I'm angry, I show it. Without worrying about how others may react.
Indira GandhiWould you consider a man or a woman to be complicated? Is it that difficult to understand both the sexes? We say that we know what the other sex is all about, but is that really true? Perhaps the following witty, funny quotes and sayings can help simplify things down about men.
Indira Gandhi