[Visiting Richard Nixon] useful only to me. The experience taught me that when people do something against you, that something always turns out in your favor.
Indira GandhiEven under the British there were hostile groups. There were clashes. But, as we found out later, these were clashes provoked by those who had no wish to let us live together - on the eve of the Partition. The policy of keeping us divided was always followed by foreigners, even after the Partition. If Indians and Pakistanis had been together...I don't say as confederated countries but as neighboring and friendly countries...like Italy and France, for example ...believe me, both of us would have progressed much further.
Indira GandhiPeace we want because there is another war to fight against poverty, disease and ignorance.
Indira GandhiAt first people asked us, 'Can you do it?' And we kept silent because we didn't believe in ourselves, we didn't believe that we could do things. Today people no longer say to us, 'Can you?' They say, 'When can you?' Because the Indians finally believe in themselves, they believe they can do things.
Indira Gandhi