As a writer, you play this daft game with yourself - you're constantly looking for distractions, anything to stop you from writing, but you're constantly fighting the distractions to write as well.
Irvine WelshIf you have no drugs, then you have revolution, and then drugs will be the only thing stopping that.
Irvine WelshI didn't have any concept of Trainspotting being published. It was a selfish act. I did it for myself.
Irvine WelshAh suppose man, ah'm too much ay a perfectionist, ken? It's likesay, if things go a bit dodgy, ah jist cannae be bothered, y'know.
Irvine WelshWe have to concentrate back on: Where is the money going? Where's it been going for the last thirty years? How do we start to redistribute the cake more evenly, and give people opportunities? That's as much about poor white people in West Virginia as it is about poor black people on the Southside of Chicago.
Irvine Welsh