There is nothing like a parade to elicit the proper respect for the military from the populace.
Irving Kristol...only liberal organizations are clearly designated [in the press] as "nonpatisan, nonprofit." Non-liberal research organizations are always identified as "right-wing" or "conservative."
Irving KristolThe danger facing American Jews today is not that Christians want to persecute them but that Christians want to marry them.
Irving KristolThe really difficult moral issues arise, not from a confrontation of good and evil, but from a collision between two goods
Irving KristolIn comparison to the French Revolution, the American Revolution has come to seem a parochial and rather dull event. This, despitethe fact that the American Revolution was successful--realizing the purposes of the revolutionaries and establishing a durable political regime--while the French Revolution was a resounding failure, devouring its own children and leading to an imperial despotism, followed by an eventual restoration of the monarchy.
Irving Kristol