The golden hour of invention must terminate like other hours, and when the man of genius returns to the cares, the duties, the vexations, and the amusements of life, his companions behold him as one of themselves - the creature of habits and infirmities.
Isaac D'IsraeliEducation, however indispensable in a cultivated age, produces nothing on the side of genius. When education ends, genius often begins.
Isaac D'IsraeliIf the golden gate of preferment is not usually opened to men of real merit, persons of no worth have entered it in a most extraordinary manner.
Isaac D'IsraeliA well-read writer, with good taste, is one who has the command of the wit of other men; he searches where knowledge is to be found; and though he may not himself excel in invention, his ingenuity may compose one of those agreeable books, the deliciรฆ of literature, that will out-last the fading meteors of his day.
Isaac D'Israeli