You are born with the yearning arrow, my Glynna, though you are not yet fully aware of it. It is not a happy thing to possess, for nothing on earth - no goal, no person how ever beloved - will answer it. It points to the sky and to the heavens and the stars and when it cannot reach them, it must fall back to pierce your heart.
Isobelle CarmodySometimes I am afraid for people like you who have to know things. Your kind will dig and hunt and worry at it until one day you will find what is hidden, waiting for you.
Isobelle CarmodyThe mirror had broken into millions of pieces and the wind blew them all over the world. If a person got a speck in their eye, the person would only see the ugly side of things from then on, but if a piece got in their blood and it reached their heart, it would freeze into a solid block of ice and they couldn't feel anything anymore
Isobelle CarmodyShort stories do not say this happened and this happened and this happened. They are a microcosm and a magnification rather than a linear progression.
Isobelle CarmodyImpatience is not the least of your faults, Malik, it is a kind of greed and someday it may see you undone.
Isobelle Carmody