True repentance is no light matter. It is a thorough change of heart about sin, a change showing itself in godly sorrow and humiliation - in heartfelt confession before the throne of grace - in a complete breaking off from sinful habits, and an abiding hatred of all sin. Such repentance is the inseparable companion of saving faith in Christ.
J. C. RyleAll converted people should labor to adorn the doctrine they profess by humility. If they can do nothing else, they can strive to be humble.
J. C. RyleWe know but little of true Christianity, if we don't feel a deep concern about the souls of unconverted people.
J. C. RyleThere is but one fountain of comfort for a man drawing near to his end, and that is the Bible. ...All comfort from any other source is a house built upon sand.
J. C. RyleMillions of people profess and call themselves Christians, whom the Apostle Paul would not have called Christians at all.
J. C. RyleWhat could an unsanctified man do in Heaven, if by any chance he got there? Let that question be fairly looked in the face and fairly answered. No man can possibly be happy in a place where he is not in his element and where all around him is not congenial to his tastes, habits and character.
J. C. Ryle