Read the Bible daily. Make it part of your everyday business to read and meditate on some portion of God's Word. Gather your manna fresh every morning. Choose your own seasons and hours. Do not scramble over and hurry your reading. Give your Bible the best, and not the worst, part of your time. But whatever plan you pursue, let it be a rule of your life to visit the throne of grace and the Bible every day.
J. C. RyleThe blood of Christ can cleanse away all sin. But we must 'plead guilty' before God can declare us innocent.
J. C. RyleThe Lord Jesus is "a friend who never changes." There is no fickleness about Him: those whom He loves, He loves to the end.
J. C. RyleNo salvation without regeneration - no spiritual life without a new birth - no heaven without a new heart.
J. C. RyleIf men come among you who do NOT preach all the counsel of God, who do NOT preach of Christ, sin, holiness, of ruin, redemption, and regeneration, and do NOT preach of these things in a Scriptural way, you ought to cease to hear them.
J. C. RyleTrials are intended to make us think, to wean us from the world, to send us to the Bible, to drive us to our knees.
J. C. RyleA deep sense of sin, a humble willingness to be saved in God's way, a teachable readiness to give up our own prejudices when a more excellent way is shown, these are the principal things. These things the two disciples possessed, and therefore our Lord "went with them" and guided them into all truth.
J. C. Ryle