Be very sure of this,-people never reject the Bible because they cannot understand it. They understand it only too well; they understand that it condemns their own behavior; they understand that it witnesses against their own sins, and summons them to judgment.
J. C. RyleThe cross is the foundation of the Bible: If you have not yet found out that Christ crucified is the foundation of the whole volume, you have hitherto read your Bible to very little profit. Your religion is a heaven without a sun, an arch without a keystone, a compass without a needle, a clock without a spring or weights, a lamp without oil. It will not comfort you; it will not deliver your soul from hell.
J. C. RyleThe work of the preacher resembles that of the sower. Like the sower, the preacher must sow good seed, the Word of God.
J. C. RyleAccording to the men of the world, few are going to hell; According to the Bible, few are going to heaven.
J. C. Ryle