Let us be very careful that we never exalt any minister, or sermon, or book, or friend above the Word of God.
J. C. RyleThere is but one fountain of comfort for a man drawing near to his end, and that is the Bible. ...All comfort from any other source is a house built upon sand.
J. C. RyleWhat is the cause of most backslidings? I believe, as a general rule, one of the chief causes is neglect of private prayer.
J. C. RyleIf we would be sanctified, our course is clear and plainโwe must begin with Christ. We must go to him as sinners, with no plea but that of utter need, and cast our souls on him by faith, for peace and reconciliation with God.... If we would grow in holiness and become more sanctified, we must continually go on as we began, and be ever making fresh applications to Christ.
J. C. Ryle