And when, in the evening of life, the golden clouds rest sweetly and invitingly upon the golden mountains, and the light of heaven streams down through the gathering mists of death, I wish you a peaceful and abundant entrance into that world of blessedness, where the great riddle of life will be unfolded to you in the quick consciousness of a soul redeemed and purified.
J. G. HollandA man who in the struggles of life has no home to retire to, in fact or in memory, is without life's best rewards and life's best defences.
J. G. HollandThe faculty of self-help is that which distinguished man from animals; that it is the Godlike element, or holds within itself the Godlike element, of his constitution.
J. G. HollandEvery man who strikes blows for power, for influence, for institutions, for the right, must be just as good an anvil as he is a hammer.
J. G. Holland