My idea of the Christian religion is, that it is an inspiration and its vital consequences--an inspiration and a life--God's life breathed into a man and breathed through a man--the highest inspiration and the highest life of every soul which it inhabits; and, furthermore, that the soul which it inhabits can have no high issue which is not essentially religious.
J. G. HollandThis world of sense, built by the imagination--how fair and foul it is! Like a fairy island in the sea of life, it smiles in sunlight and sleeps in green, known of the world not by communion of knowledge, but by personal, secret discovery!
J. G. HollandA man who in the struggles of life has no home to retire to, in fact or in memory, is without life's best rewards and life's best defences.
J. G. HollandIf we will measure other people's corn in our own bushel, let us first take it to the Divine standard, and have it sealed.
J. G. Holland