We complain today that ministers do not know how to preach; but is it not equally true that our congregations do not know how to hear?
J. I. PackerI am graven on the palms of His hands. I am never out of His mind. All my knowledge of Him depends on His sustained initiative in knowing me. I know Him, because He first knew me, and continues to know me. He knows me as a friend, One who loves me; and there is no moment when His eye is off me, or His attention distracted for me, and no moment, therefore, when His care falters.
J. I. PackerThe battle against pride in the heart is lifelong, so humility should become an ever more deeply seated attitude of living
J. I. PackerJesus' pattern prayer, which is both crutch, road, and walking lesson for the spiritually lame like ourselves, tells us to start with God: for God matters infinitely more than we do.
J. I. Packer