Let me say it openly: we are surrounded by an enterprise of degradation, cruelty, and killing which rivals anything the Third Reich was capable of, indeed dwarfs it, in that ours is an enterprise without end, self-regenerating, bringing rabbits, rats, poultry, livestock ceaselessly into the world for the purpose of killing them.
J. M. CoetzeeRestoration is a skilled profession. You might even call it an art in its own right, except that it is frowned on to be original. First rule of restoration: follow the intention of the artist. Never try to improve on him.
J. M. CoetzeePerhaps; but I am a difficult person to live with. My difficulty consists in not wanting to live with other people.
J. M. CoetzeeI speak to the broken halves of all our selves and tell them to embrace, loving the worst in us equally with the best.
J. M. CoetzeeBecause a women's beauty does not belong to her alone. It is a part of the bounty she brings into the world. She has a duty to share it.
J. M. Coetzee