No one will go to hell simply because all they needed was a little more time and they died prematurely.
J.P. MorelandThe contemporary Christian mind is starved, and as a result we have small, impoverished souls.
J.P. MorelandIf we are going to be wise, spiritual people prepared to meet the crises of our age, we must be a studying, learning community that values the life of the mind
J.P. MorelandI would rather commit a sin of commission than a sin of omission, and the evangelical community is exactly the opposite. The evangelical community would rather not do something wrong and the price they're willing to pay for not doing something wrong is they're willing to fail to do something right; they're so afraid of making a mistake. Now the reason they're afraid of making a mistake is they're cowards and our community produces cowards.
J.P. Moreland