Yet at the last Beren was slain by the Wolf that came from the gates of Angband, and he died in the arms of Tinรบviel. But she chose mortality, and to die from the world, so that she might follow him; and it is sung that they met again beyond the Sundering Seas, and after a brief time walking alive once more in the green woods, together they passed, long ago, beyond the confines of this world. So it is that Lรบthien Tinรบviel alone of the Elf-kindred has died indeed and left the world, and they have lost her whom they most loved.
J. R. R. TolkienOne tiny Hobbit against all the evil the world could muster. A sane being would have given up, but Samwise burned with a magnificent madness, a glowing obsession to surmount every obstacle, to find Frodo, destroy the Ring, and cleanse Middle Earth of its festering malignancy. He knew he would try again. Fail, perhaps. And try once more. A thousand, thousand times if need be, but he would not give up the quest.
J. R. R. Tolkien