I'll cab it home." "Naw. I'll hang until you're through. Then I'll drag you back to your apartment. Watch you throw up for an hour. Push you into bed. Before I leave I'll get the coffee machine set up. Aspirin will be right next to the sugar bowl." "I don't have a sugar bowl." "So it'll be next to the bag." Butch smiled. "You'd have made a great wife, Jose." "That's what mine tells me.
J.R. WardIโm talking to you more than I speak with my mahmen.โ โI thought your mother was dead.โ โShe is.โ โYou have a very low standard for communication.
J.R. WardAs they went by Assail, the male was watching them. "Jesus, he really is blind" Wrath pulled up short and unsheathed his dagger, pointed it directly into the guys face. "But my hearing is just fine
J.R. WardYou are perfect the way you are." Blay's voice was strong. "There is nothing wrong with who and what you have always been. I'm proud of you. And I love you. Now ... and always." Qhuinn's vision got wavy. Hard-core. "I'm proud of you. And I love you," Blay repeated. "Always. Forget about your old family ... you have me now. I am your family.
J.R. Ward