[Rhage and Manny] “You’re doing great,” he murmured as he noticed those white knuckled fists. “Don’t worry about me.” “Right, right…your brothers.” Manny paused for a split second. “You’re all right, you know that.” “F*ck…that…” The fighter smiled, flashing fangs. “I’m…perfect.
J.R. WardBlay said yet again, that old, familiar voice cutting through all of those years of rejection and judgment, giving him not just a rope of acceptance to hang on to, but a flesh-and-blood hand to lead him out of the darkness of his past... And into a future that didn't require lies or excuses, because what he was, and what they were, was both extraordinary-and not hing out of the ordinary. Love, after all, was universal.
J.R. WardLife was short, no matter how many days you were granted. And people were precious, each and every one, no matter how many you were lucky enough to have in your life. And love... love was worth dying for. Worth living for, too. -Tohrment
J.R. Ward