What... are you?" she choked out. "No sunlight. Funky choppers." he inhaled raggedly. "Take a guess.
J.R. WardAll right, big guy, down you go." Oh,yeah. Bed. Bed was good. "And look who's here. It's Nurse Vishous.
J.R. WardV jerked back to the present. And for some reason didn't lie. "I'm thinking about my tattoos." "When did you get them?" "Almost three centuries ago." She whistled. "God, you live that long?" "Longer. Assuming I don't get cracked dead in a fight and you fool humans don't blow up the planet, I'll be breathing for another seven hundred years.
J.R. WardStill, it would have been great, just once, to have a man stare at her with total adoration. To have him be... enthralled. Yes, that was the word. She would have loved for a man to be enthralled by her.
J.R. WardIs he Catholic?" her grandmother asked on the way out. He's a drug dealer -- so if he is religious, he's got incredible powers of reconciliation. "He looks like a good boy," her vovo said over her shoulder. "A good Catholic boy." And that was that -- for now.
J.R. WardYou're a good Irishman, right?" When Butch nodded, V said, "Irish, Irishโฆ let me think. Yeahโฆ" Vishous's eyes sobered, and in a voice that cracked, he said, "May the road rise to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rains fall soft upon your fields. Andโฆ my dearest friendโฆ until we meet again may the Lord hold you in the palm of His hand.
J.R. Ward