Butch nodded as if he knew exactly what was doing. "Like I said, my man, it's whatever. You and me? Same as always, no matter who you screw. Althoughโฆ if you're into sheep, that would be tough. Don't know if I could handle that.
J.R. WardAs the vampire trailed a fingertip along the girlโs collarbone, she appeared to fall into a trance. It was not mind games on Zypherโs part. Females of both races couldnโt help themselves around him.
J.R. WardQhuinn looked at each of the hoods again. How ironic, he thought. Nearly two years ago, an Honor Guard of black robes had been sent to him to make sure he knew his family didn't want him. And now, here these males were, come to draw him into a different kind of fold-- that was every bit as strong as that of blood.
J.R. WardHow many of them were there?' Her voice wasn't joking around. Eighteen. Hundred.' Four,' Blaylock interjected. 'An honor guard of four.' What did they work you over with? Those bruises on your thighs are severe?' Crowbars. Big, massive-' Blay cut in. 'Clubs. Had to be those ceremonial black clubs.
J.R. Ward