It had been so good to see his enemy again. Positively heartwarming. Hallmark really needed to start up a line of revenge cards, the kind that let you reach out to those you were going to come after with a vengeance. - Lash
J.R. WardYou are so beautiful, he mouthed. But of course she couldn’t see his lips. Guess he was going to have to show her.
J.R. WardHe could feel V's eyes sharpen, the vampire's fierce intellect churning over the situation. Among the brothers, Vishous had the most raw brainpower, but he paid for the privilage. Man, Wrath sure had his own demons, and they were no walk in the park, but he wouldn't have wanted Vishous's cross to bear. Seeing what had yet to come was a terrible burden. -Wrath's thoughts
J.R. WardI suppose this is for the best," Blay said into his shoulder. "You can't cook." "See? I'm so not Prince Charming.
J.R. Ward