Yo, cop. We're heading for Screamer's. You wanna come?" Butch looked up at the doorway. Vishous was in the hall with Rhage and Phury behind him. The vampires had expectant looks on their faces, like they honestly wanted to hang with him. Butch found himself grinning like the new kid who didn't have to sit alone at lunch after all.
J.R. WardDestiny was a machine built over time, each choice that you made in life adding another gear, another conveyor belt, another assemblyman. Where you ended up was the product that was spit out at the endโand there was no going back for a redo. You couldnโt take a peek at what youโd manufactured and decide, Oh, wait, I wanted to make sewing machines instead of machine guns; let me go back to the beginning and start again. One shot. That was all you got.
J.R. Ward...but her eyes had had too much in them and his heart way too little for things to keep going.
J.R. WardFor him , life was a coin that had disaster on one side and waiting for disaster on the other
J.R. WardIโm talking to you more than I speak with my mahmen.โ โI thought your mother was dead.โ โShe is.โ โYou have a very low standard for communication.
J.R. WardWhat are the rules," The cop said. "There are none." Vishous spread his stance and braced himself. "Do whatever you want...but you have to break me. You've got to tear me apart.
J.R. WardYo, cop. We're heading for Screamer's. You wanna come?" Butch looked up at the doorway. Vishous was in the hall with Rhage and Phury behind him. The vampires had expectant looks on their faces, like they honestly wanted to hang with him. Butch found himself grinning like the new kid who didn't have to sit alone at lunch after all.
J.R. Ward