My brothers, family of our nation, secured Kuwait shall be, and secured you shall all be from every evil and long live Kuwait. And may you all live as her saviors, virtuous sons to her soil, and be her envoys. May she long live, may you long live adhering to her propitious principles, defending her kind and humanitarian lifespan, and her immaculate and tolerant Islamic faith.
Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-SabahKuwait needs tougher guarding. Guarding that's not limited to weapons, soldiers and border control, but extends to every Kuwaiti soul with awareness, vigilance and anticipation
Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-SabahKuwait is the origin which our roots extend in it's base. The fort that we seek for shelter and stick to after God Almighty. Kuwait is the entity that maintains our presence that's united in it's features and divisions.
Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-SabahWe start from Kuwait, and to Kuwait we end. Anyone but that, is not from Kuwait, and Kuwait is not from them.
Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-SabahMy brothers, family of our nation, secured Kuwait shall be, and secured you shall all be from every evil and long live Kuwait. And may you all live as her saviors, virtuous sons to her soil, and be her envoys. May she long live, may you long live adhering to her propitious principles, defending her kind and humanitarian lifespan, and her immaculate and tolerant Islamic faith.
Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah