When you really need help, people will respond. Sincerity means dropping the image facade and showing a willingness to be vulnerable. Tell it the way it is, lumps and all. Don't worry if your presentation isn't perfect; ask from your heart. Keep it simple, and people will open up to you.
Jack CanfieldIt's surprising how many people get bogged down in analysing, planning, and organizing when what they really need to do is take action.
Jack CanfieldI consider myself to be an inverse paranoid. I always operate as if everything is part of a universal plot to enhance my well-being.
Jack CanfieldI have written a new book called 'The Golden Motorcycle Gang.' The premise of the book is taken from actual events in my life. My life has been dedicated to inspiring and motivating others to live their highest vision of their ideal life and offering transformational trainings that help people succeed in all aspects of their lives.
Jack Canfield