Looking at himself, but wishing he was someone else. Because the posters on the wall, they don't look like him at all.
Jack JohnsonSchedules are impossible to me. I am excited to be on tour, but there are instances when I wish that I wasn't managed. The shows are fun, but six hour drives burn me out.
Jack JohnsonWhen I'm playing music I'm usually not thinking of surfing, just because I'm usually thinking about the chords and the lyrics, and sometimes that messes me up 'cause you'll start thinking, "Wait, how am I doing this?" But when I'm surfing, I'm usually thinking about music - whether it's an idea for a new song, or just singing a song in my head.
Jack JohnsonI finish a lot of lyrics while I'm in the water and it's always pretty constructive for me to get out in the water. I'm not actually writing the words down, but I have time to think about words, and doing a lot of surfing usually gives me a little space and peace of mind to finish things up.
Jack Johnson