I clearly saw the skeleton underneath all this show of personality what is left of a man and all his pride but bones?
Jack KerouacDean's California--wild, sweaty, important, the land of lonely and exiled and eccentric lovers come to forgather like birds, and the land where everybody somehow looked like broken-down, handsome, decadent movie actors.
Jack KerouacThe only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved.
Jack KerouacShe talks with a broken heart - Her voice lutes brokenly like a heart lost, musically too, like in a lost grove, it's almost too much to bear sometimes like some fantastic futuristic Jerry Southern singer in a nightclub who steps up to the mike in the spotlight in Las Vegas but doesn't even have to sing, just talk, to make men sigh and women wonder I guess.
Jack Kerouac