My aunt once said that the world would never find peace until men fell at their women's feet and asked for forgiveness.
Jack Kerouaccolleges being nothing but grooming schools for the middle-class non-identity which usually finds its perfect expression on the outskirts of the campus in rows of well-to-do houses with lawns and television sets in each living room with everybody looking at the same thing and thinking the same thing at the same time while the Japhies of the world go prowling in the wilderness to hear the voice crying in the wilderness, to find the ecstacy of the stars, to find the dark mysterious secret of the origin of faceless wonderless crapulous civilization.
Jack KerouacA scene should be selected by the writer for haunted-ness-of-mind interest. If you're not haunted by something, as by a dream, a vision, or a memory, which are involuntary, you're not interested or even involved.
Jack KerouacI ate apple pie and ice creamโit was getting better as I got deeper into Iowa, the pie bigger, the ice cream richer. There were the most beautiful bevies of girls everywhere I looked in Des Moines that afternoonโthey were coming home from high schoolโbut I had no time for thoughts like thatโฆSo I rushed past the pretty girls, and the prettiest girls in the world live in Des Moines.
Jack Kerouac