The main things to rebel against - over-production, too much technology, overthinking. It's a spoiled mentality; everything is too easy. If you want to record a song, you can buy Pro Tools and record four hundred guitar tracks. That leads to overthinking, which kills any spontaneity and the humanity of the performance.
Jack WhiteIn all my songs, I take on roles and play characters. It's a unique way to explore ideas and decisions I might not think or make in real life.
Jack WhiteThere aren't that many things left that haven't already been done, especially with music. I'm interested in ideas that can shake us all up.
Jack WhiteSome guys are afraid of "fashion" even those this isn't really fashion. It's more "style". A lot of guys don't want to look like they care too much. The idea of standing in a fiting room and trying things on and saying, "How does this look?" I think maybe that experience is a little bit intimidating.
Jack WhiteSmart art galleries know it's not the words on paper but the emotion in the piece that makes clients pull out the credit card or check book. The gallery's number one concern is will this stuff sell? What your bio, artist's statement or resume articulates will be of no help if you don't make art that connects with buyers.
Jack White