you shall tie the marriage knot with the ropemaker's daughter and the cawing of the crows will be your wedding song.
Jacob GrimmEvil is also not anything small or close to home, and not the worst; otherwise one could grow accustomed to it.
Jacob GrimmLove is like death, it must come to us all, but to each his own unique way and time, sometimes it will be avoided, but never can it be cheated, and never will it be forgotten.
Jacob GrimmThey were indeed great rascals, and belonged to that class of people who find things before they are lost.
Jacob GrimmTake me as godfather." The man asked, "Who art thou?" "I am Death, and I make all equal." Then said the man, "Thou art the right one, thou takest the rich as well as the poor, without distinction; thou shalt be godfather." Death answered, "I will make thy child rich and famous, for he who has me for a friend can lack nothing.
Jacob Grimm