There are no bad people, there are people with insufficient information to make appropriate decisions.
Jacque FrescoWe are not taught to be thinkers, but reflectors of our culture. Let's teach our children to be thinkers.
Jacque FrescoI am afraid to live in the society we live in today. Our society cannot be maintained by this type of incompetency.
Jacque FrescoAs man reaches out toward the twenty-first century, he will learn to be suspicious of all ideas that are not formulated so that they can be tested by observation. He will realize that the history of human thought shows that the ideas of which we are surest are the ones we most need to test. He will realize that his common sense only mirrors his training and experience. What seems natural and right to him is usually a reflection of the conditions under which he spent his first decade of life.
Jacque FrescoIn a monetary system, most of us live near our work with a house, car, and lifestyle we can afford (or, all too often, cannot afford), rather than the one we prefer. We are only as free as our purchasing power permits. Even many wealthy people today select a residence mainly to impress others with their status. Lacking a true sense of self worth, many live to impress others.
Jacque Fresco