To my surprise, Joscelin rose. ‘Phedre-’ He began, then halted. Sitting below him, I watched him smile to himself, quiet and private. ‘Phedre yields with a willow’s grace,’ he said softly. ‘And endures with the strength of mountains. Without her, life would be calm; and yet lack all meaning.
Jacqueline CareyTo recongnize that the treachery of one member of a house does not taint all born within it
Jacqueline CareyIt's funny, how one can look back on a sorrow one thought one might well die of at the time, and know that one had not yet reckoned the tenth part of true grief.
Jacqueline CareyIt is a comfort, in anguish, to be reminded of the scale of one's own troubles against the mighty breadth of the world.
Jacqueline Carey