If human civilization is going to invade the waters of the earth, then let it be first of all to carry a message of respect.
Jacques Yves CousteauI believe that national sovereignties will shrink in the face of universal interdependence.
Jacques Yves CousteauMankind has probably done more damage to the Earth in the 20th century than in all of previous human history.
Jacques Yves CousteauPerhaps the time has come to formulate a moral code which would govern our relations with the great creatures of the sea as well as with those on dry land. That this will come to pass is my dear wish.
Jacques Yves CousteauHowever fragmented the world, however intense the national rivalries, it is an inexorable fact that we become more interdependent every day. I believe that national sovereignties will shrink in the face of universal interdependence. The sea, the great unifier, is man's only hope. Now, as never before, the old phrase has a literal meaning: We are all in the same boat.
Jacques Yves CousteauI experimented with all possible maneuvers-loops, somersaults and barrel rolls. I stood upside down on one finger and burst out laughing, a shrill, distorted laugh. Nothing I did altered the automatic rhythm of the air. Delivered from gravity and buoyancy, I flew around in space.
Jacques Yves Cousteau