I was in his hands, he called me by the thunder at my ear. I was in his hands: I was being changed; all that I could do was cling to him. I did not realize, until I realized it, that I was also kissing him, that everything was breaking and changing and turning in me and moving toward him.
James A. BaldwinThe reason people think it's important to be white is that they think it's important not to be black.
James A. BaldwinNobody is more dangerous than he who imagines himself pure in heart; for his purity, by definition, is unassailable.
James A. BaldwinAny real change implies the breakup of the world as one has always known it, the loss of all that gave one an identity, the end of safety.
James A. BaldwinEverything depends on how relentlessly one forces from experience the last drop, sweet or bitter, it can possibly give.
James A. Baldwin