You have to be eligible for luck to strike, and I think that's a matter of education and preparation, and character and all the other solid attributes that sometimes people laugh at.
James A. MichenerIt heartens me to think of Verdi who composed thundering operas in his eighties; Michelangelo who did fine work in his ninetieth year, and Titian, who painted better than ever in his one hundredth.
James A. MichenerA group of two dozen nurses completely surrounded by 100,000 unattached American men.
James A. MichenerThe really great writers are people like Emily Brontรซ who sit in a room and write out of their limited experience and unlimited imagination.
James A. MichenerThe job of a storyteller is to tell stories, and I have concentrated on that obligation.
James A. MichenerI had learned volleyball in the Navy, where all the captains and admirals wanted to be spikers, and I found then that a man who can subdue his own desires and master the art of serving others can make himself invaluable. In choosing sides the team captain always chose the good spikers on the first and second choice, but then the spikers would grab his arm and whisper, 'Take Michener.' I was never chosen lower than third, because I was needed. I wasn't good, but I was faithful.
James A. Michener