I cannot think the disputes and jealousies of Heaven are tried and settled by the swords of earth.
James Anthony FroudeThe endurance of the inequalities of life by the poor is the marvel of human society.
James Anthony FroudeSacrifice is the first element of religion, and resolves itself in theological language into the love of God.
James Anthony FroudeWild animals never kill for sport. Man is the only one to whom the torture and death of his fellow creatures is amusing in itself.
James Anthony FroudeI have long been convinced that the Christian Eucharist is but a continuation of the Eleusinian mysteries. St Paul, in using the word teleiois, almost confirms this.
James Anthony FroudeThat which especially distinguishes a high order of man from a low order of man, that which constitutes human goodness, human nobleness, is surely not the degree of enlightenment with which men pursue their own advantage; but it is self-forgetfulness; it is self-sacrifice; it is the disregard of personal pleasure, personal indulgence, personal advantage, remote or present, because some other line of conduct is more right.
James Anthony Froude