Throughout history, politicians have used other people's property to buy themselves power. That is the primary achievement of the welfare state.
James BovardOnce freedom is equated with a certain material standard of living, confiscation becomes the path to liberation.
James BovardPeople are so docile right now. It is almost as if good government means when the politicians lie to us for our own good, for the public good, and bad government is when politicians lie for their own selfish interests.
James BovardIt is absurd to expect governments to descend gradually, step-by-step into barbarism - as if there was a train schedule to political hell and people could get off at any stop along the way.
James BovardEntire generations of Americans have come of age since the ancient time when the president's power was constrained by a duty of candor to the American people.
James BovardToday's citizen is obliged to find his freedom only in the narrow ruts pre-approved by his bureaucratic overlords. "Risk-free liberty" is the ideal of the Welfare State: citizens are permitted only liberties which have been declawed, defanged, neutered, certified and wrapped in benevolent restrictions.
James Bovard