What really matters is that there is so much faith and love and kindliness which we can share with and provoke in others, and that by cleanly, simple, generous living we approach perfection in the highest and most lovely of all arts. . . . But you, I think, have always comprehended this.
James Branch CabellPeople marry through a variety of other reasons, and with varying results: but to marry for love is to invite inevitable tragedy.
James Branch CabellThe man was not merely very human; he was humanity. And I reflected that it is only by preserving faith in human dreams that we may, after all, perhaps some day make them come true.
James Branch CabellBut with man the case is otherwise, in that when logic leads to any humiliating conclusion, the sole effect is to discredit logic.
James Branch CabellThere is no escaping, at times, the gloomy suspicion that fiddling with pens and ink is, after all, no fit employment for a grown man.
James Branch CabellWhat really matters is that there is so much faith and love and kindliness which we can share with and provoke in others, and that by cleanly, simple, generous living we approach perfection in the highest and most lovely of all arts. . . . But you, I think, have always comprehended this.
James Branch Cabell